Friday, November 24, 2006

Out to Lunch

After I had my "Milestone" breakfast, I went to the diner with Mommy, Daddy and Uncle John. They ate and talked about stuff, while I played with the creamers.

Today, along with my usual bottle.......I ate some REAL FOOD!!!!
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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!

I hope everybody had a great day!
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Morning Bumblebee

Sometimes in the morning, after my breakfast, I get kinda sleepy.
But once I put on my coat and hat.......I'm ready to go out and take on the world!!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

ART Alert!!!

Here is a piece of artwork I did at School. It's a brown bear.

Sometimes, I like to sit back and admire my work.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rye in tha house!!!

Katie, Scott and Liam came over to hang out and watch football today. We had a really cool time.
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Thursday, November 16, 2006

The SPIN Zone
Today.....for the first time ever......I rolled over BY MYSELF!
It happened at school. The teachers were so proud of me. And then, when my Mommy came to pick me up, I did it for her too. Everybody was cheering and clapping.
Just call me ROLLERGIRL!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Chef Brady

Sometimes I help out in the kitchen. My motto: speak softly, and carry a big..... spoon.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Squeaky Clean

I like it when my Mommy gives me a bath. Afterwards, she wraps me up in my favorite snuggly towel.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I Love Football

On Sundays, I like to watch football.
My Sunday shirt has the logo of Mommy's team (the CC Riders) and Daddy's team (the F-Bombs).

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I like Saturdays

On Saturdays, I play with THIS thing. It's great exercise. But I want to SIT UP and play with stuff too. So my parents decided to get me a NEW TOY!

New Toy

We went for a ride get me a NEW TOY!!! For MORE PICS, click the red link below.

Better than any toy......

No matter how much fun my new toy is......nothing beats reading a book with my Mommy.

Well, it's been a long exciting Saturday. Off to bed for me. Good night everybody.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Happy Veteran's Day Everybody!!!

My Favorite Pastime

I love to fly around the house.

My Swimmy Friends

Here are my fish. They're blue and red, and they live in a world that has pink rocks and a smurf. I like to watch them from my crib.

I Love the Mornings

When I wake up, the first things I see are the flowers over my crib. They were painted by lots of people who love me. They put me in a happy mood.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Cat

This is CC. She is my cat. We don't play together much yet, but soon we'll be best friends.

My Room

Yeah, it may be a little bit messy. And totally crazy. But I love my room.

I know it's football season, but...

...I'm just starting to grow into the baseball hat my aunt Kala gave me. I'm gonna proudly represent Red Sox Nation, way down here in Yankee country.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's your Civic Duty, people

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Willow's Baptism

We went to Haverhill to witness the baptism of cousin Willow. What a fun time that was.

Here's my BIG cousin Jill, with my uncle John and my LITTLE cousin Willow. John is Willow's Godfather, which makes Willow a lucky girl.

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Back to Andover

We went to Andover today, to visit my Grandma and Pop Pop. It was a whole lot of fun being with them again.
I'm one happy little bumblebee when I'm with these folks.

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Mansfield Trip

Sometimes, when you open a door, there's a surprise behind it.
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Talented Toes

Here's a fun project I made at school. Who knew my feet were so artistic?